Tell us about your experience with Échappe-Toi.
Échappe-Toi is a modern looking facility with a second floor entrance in an old warehouse-like building. There are currently five scenarios with the Al Patraz escape to be changed in the near future. The main entrance has a trendy vibe, with an LED lit table, lockers for belongings (no electronics are allowed inside), and a hostess to greet you regarding your game time. Moving into the waiting room, you can relax in black leather couches and chairs, then hydrate with water from a cooler in the corner. Échappe-Toi pairs players with strangers who have booked the same timeslot, so this is a good time to get to know your colleagues for the next 60-minutes.
Reviewed by Evan on July 26, 2015
Al Patraz Disparition
Le Trésor Maudit d'Hochelaga
(The Cursed Treasure of Hochelaga)
Coming Soon
✭✭✭✬✩ 3.7
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
✭✭✭✩✩ 3.2
Échappe-Toi Critiques (Reviews)
2244 Lariviere Street
Montreal, Quebec
Price: $23 per adult
$20 per child/student
Atmosphere Breakdown:
Staff: 4.0
Ambience: 5.0
Amenities: 4.0
Company Atmosphere: ✭✭✭✭✬ 4.3