Le Photographe Globe-Trotteur
The Globe-Trotting Photographer
La Société De L'Aube Argentée
The Silver Dawn Society
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
✭✭✭✬✩ 3.6
More reviews are needed from here to come up with a consensus.
✭✭✭✬✩ 3.5
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
✭✭✭✩✩ 3.1
"Fun puzzles with some unique features but bland room design. Find The Key has decent escapes but could use better theme integration."
Le Temple Perdu
Lost Temple
Coming Soon
✭✭✭✭✩ 4.0
✭✭✭✭✩ 3.9
"Fun puzzles and great set designs. A/Maze is one of the best escape companies in Montreal!"
Coming Soon
✭✭✭✬✩ 3.6
✭✭✭✬✩ 3.6
✭✭✭✬✩ 3.6
✭✭✭✭✩ 3.8
"Very unique puzzles (to a fault) and great thematic design. A neat membership system with free drinks after each game."
Al Patraz Disparition
Le Trésor Maudit d'Hochelaga
(The Cursed Treasure of Hochelaga)
Coming Soon
✭✭✭✬✩ 3.7
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
✭✭✭✩✩ 3.2
"Interesting concepts with some varying levels of set design. Lots of abstract puzzles. Fun to play but can be frustrating."
✭✭✭✬✩ 3.5
✭✭✭✬✩ 3.3
"Unique puzzles with room for improvement in design and theme integration. A nice start for this new company in Montreal."
Montréal Critiques (Reviews)
Room Escape List