Escape Reviewer App

After much hard work, the new Escape Reviewer app is now available on the App Store for iphone! For more information about the features of the app, read on!
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Welcome to the new face of Escape Reviewer!
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Write reviews of rooms that you have visted!
Keep track of stats like your average review score, how many people have liked your reviews and reputation!
Mark companies as your favorites!
Use location services to locate escapes near you on the world's largest and most comprehensive Escape Room map of North America!
And much more!
Logging in gets you access to certain features but note that the Escape Reviewer app is functional without an account! Browse companies/rooms simply by downloading the app!
Find a Room near you
Easily take a look at all the escape companies near you with the touch of a button!
Customizable browsing includes:
Sorting companies by name and rating
Sorting companies by their number of favourites and room count
Adjusting your search radius
Easily flip between the list view and map view to view the world's largest and most comprehensive map of Escape Rooms in North America!

Do you have a specific room or company that you're looking for? Sounds like you want a search feature!
Search by venue name or for a specific room
Alternatively, search by country and city
Search results will include all venues or rooms that match your specific query anywhere within their name!
Write reviews for rooms you have completed!
Browse reviews that others have written!
Like/Dislike reviews that you have read
Find valuable information about Escape Room companies
Individual room scores and average room ratings
Addresses with driving directions from your current location
Contact info including phone #, email and website
Company and room descriptions!
We will not publish, sell or use any user information in advertisements for our own company or any third party organization. We will make a reasonable effort to ensure privacy and security of any personal information. Users have the right to defer signing up should they wish, but these users will be unable to post reviews or comments.
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