Tell us about your experience with Ye Olde Dandy's.
Ye Olde Dandy’s, a small popup in downtown Toronto has managed to eke out an interesting business model in a crowd of traditional and familiar room escapes. Their goal? To take one space and transform it into multiple different missions that centres around the same storyline. The question is, can they produce missions that are unique enough, with a clearly connected overarching storyline that will urge players to keep coming back time and time again? We will have to wait to find out.
The waiting area is small with just one couch, but the staff are ready to get you excited about your mission and character backgrounds. Nothing in the main area looks permanent with only a set of curtains there to separate the waiting area from the escape.
Finally, let’s get to that burning question on everybody’s mind. What on earth is a table flippery?! I’m happy to say that the table flip is exactly what you think it is! Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Get frustrated (For information on how to get frustrated, see below)
Step 2: Determine that your frustration would be best released via a demonstration of physical prowess... more specifically, by flipping a table.
Step 3: Lay items on the table (For which items to use, see below)
Step 4: Unleash your wrath on a wooden object. Despite not having done anything to you to challenge your position, assert your dominance over this inanimate plank of wood.
Step 5: Watch yourself in slow motion and critique your rage face.
Pro Tip #1: Ideas on how to get frustrated (Choose one or more of the following)
A) Turn phone from LTE/3G to Edge and attempt to load a webpage.
B) Drive north along the DVP at 5pm during the PanAm Games.
C) Register for several contests online with your primary email address and then proceed to be confused as to why you're getting so many junk emails.
D) Locate the slowest group of walkers on your way to an important meeting and situate yourself behind them. For added effect, wear a watch and look at it every 12 seconds.
E) Finish the milk and put it back in the fridge.
Pro Tip #2: How to decide which items are right for your table flip
Reviewed by Evan on June 28, 2015

Ye Olde Dandy's Reviews
617 Gerard Street East
Toronto, Ontario
Price: $20 per player
$15 per player for group
of 4+ people
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
✭✭✭✬✩ 3.5
Coming Soon
Atmosphere Breakdown:
Staff: 5.0
Ambience: 3.0
Amenities: 5.0
Company Atmosphere: ✭✭✭✭✬ 4.3
Ye Olde Dandy's